Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Week Home

Isaac's first week home was busy busy busy taking multiple trips to the Doctors. Isaac was born on Tuesday and came home from the NICU on Friday on terms that he had to go to the Dr. Monday morning for follow-up and more bloodwork to make sure his blood platelet levels were continuing to go up. The nurse in the NICU scheduled the appointment w/ our pediatrician on Monday, but when we got there it turned out that our Dr. wasn't there... so we had to drive to Riverside too have our follow-up appt. w/ another pediatrician and to get blood test. The blood test was great and his platelet levels had increase dramatically over Isaac's first weekend home. Tuesday we still had to go back and meet w/ our normal pediatrician. We also scheduled Isaac's circumcision for Friday, but because of Isaac's thrombocytopenia the pediatrician wanted us to go to the hematologist so that he could check Isaac out, make sure his levels were up, and blood was clotting like it should. The pediatrician wanted the hematologist to him clear Isaac to get circumcised before he would do it. So yet again, our poor baby boy had to get his heals pricked at again. Well the second I walked in the door the lab called and said that the blood clotted and so the test could not be performed correctly and that I needed to go back to re-take his blood.. ugghh so there we went again.. this time the took it through his arm to be sure it wouldn't clot and that was scarey. But, Isaac snoozed through they whole thing. Everything was good w/ his platelet levels and they were way way up in the normal range at this point. Thursday we had a break from the Dr. but were back Friday for the circumsicion and it was so sad but we knew it had to be done.. the earlier he better, but I was still so said cause I didn't want him to be in pain. Good thing they made me wait in the lobby cause I did not want to be in the room when they did it... when it was all finished and I went back in the room Isaac wasn't even crying at all. I was so proud of him and relieved that is was all over. Finally the week of Dr.'s appt's were over and I could finally just chill and relax at home to love and cherish my baby boy!!

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