Isaac Steven Gomez
6lbs 3ozs 20inches
So last time we updated out blog was when Isaac had just been born. I was home from the hospital w/ Steven but Isaac was still in the NICU. We thought we were going to come home with out baby the day after delivery and that I would get to be wheelchaired out of the hospital like normal... but that was not the case. Quick recap of labor & delivery... I had always been the kind of person that didn't want an epidural. It wasn't that I had anything against it, I just didn't want to be completely numb and not feel anything that was happening w/ my body or know what I was doing when the time came to push. So anyways I tried to do my very best without the epidural and boy was I in some mega pain. I was 6cm and I was like omg are you freakin kidding me right now. Needless to say I got the epidural but almost waited to long cause by the time the anesthesiologist got there to give it to me I my contractions were barely a minute apart and I couldn't move I was in so much pain. They lady had to give me the epidural during major contractions and even at their peaks...she said she couldn't wait till the contractions went down cause then I would never be able to get the epidural cause my contractions were coming too fast and to strong. When it was finally in I was one happy camper. The epidural was perfect and exactly how I wanted it to be if I ended up getting one.... I could still feel everything, all the contractions and pressure moving through my pelvis but it was all pain free. Because the contractions were coming so fast and so strong the baby's heart rate kept going down and didn't have time to recover. So the nurse put me on oxygen and gave me a shot to slow the contractions. Also, because the baby had been in distress when the Dr. broke my water they saw meconium and knew he had pooped inside of me, so this meant they had to suction him before he could take his first breath so he wouldn't inhale the meconium into his lungs. So when I got 9cm and was on my way to 10cm the nurse gave me pitocin because she said she was going to give it to me anyways after the baby was born to help my uterus contract back down. She let me continue to labor even though I was almost at 10cm cause she wanted to let the baby move down threw the birth canal as far as possible before it was time to push and that it would help me not have to push as long. She was sure right... when the Dr. came back to check me he was like, 'yup its time the head is right there'. I was so excited I pushed w/ all of my might. I ended up holding my legs myself cause my mom was taking pictures and Steven was getting dressed in scrubs to help the Dr. deliver the baby. I only pushed for 15 minutes throught about 8 contractions. Once the baby's head was out, the umbilical cord was unwrapped from around his neck and the Dr. suctioned him out, Steven got to pull him out the rest of the way and bring the baby to my chest where the nurses came and rubbed him off. I began to cry the second I saw my baby boy. He like all babies is a miracle from the Lord.
So the morning after Isaac was born and I was cleared to go home we were waiting for the Pediatrician to come check on Isaac and clear him to go home as well. We were sitting in the postpartum room admiring our precious miracle when the pediatrician called from the nursery to tell us he was admitting Isaac into the NICU because he had low blood platelet levels and that they were coming to get him right then. I didn't know what to think and from that moment I began to cry and didn't stop until he was in the car and on his way home w/ us. Long story short, what he had was call Thrombocytopenia and that meant that his blood platelets were too low and that would effect his blood ability to clot. They had to monitor him to make sure the platelet levels didn't get to low cause if they did he would have had to get a blood transfusion. They weren't sure why he had this and so they check him for infection and internal bleeding. At one point when we were in the NICU w/ him they came and did an ultrasound on him head through his soft spot while I was holding him..talk about scarey cause I didnt' know what in the world to think about any of this. I knew my baby would be in an incubator but omg is was soooo scarey. Thank the Lord that the head ultrasound was normal and that there was no infection. Every time they gave him a blood test ((which was alot.. his poor little heals)) the blood platelet levels were higher. By the second night when we left the hospital things were looking way better and they were going to put Isaac back into a normal bassinet and move him to the other side of he NICU where baby's that were closer to going home stayed. They figured his low blood platelet levels were just cause of me, which I don't know why cause I got blood taken during the pregnancy and my Dr. never said anything about me having low blood platelets so idk. They said his levels had to reach a certain number before he could go home even though that number was still below normal. When we went back the next day we prayed lots that his levels would be up high enough to come home... and our prayers came home. So that third night our baby was finally coming home with us!!!! We were so extremely thankful and we ended up learning so so much from all the nurses in the NICU that we felt like pro's before we even had our baby home! The Lord's plans are perfect and for whatever reason he had this happen and had us go through that experience Steven and I were thankful for it and in Love w/ our miracle even more!!!